This is part 2 of a 3 part Grammar Bundle, which has all my grammar resources in easy to download format. There are lots of different tests in this part of the bundle. This is a perfect resource for anyone revising for the KS2 SATs tests or for anyone interested in generally improving their English skills.
Here is a fun, multicultural, cross curricular set of resources for Halloween. There are maths resources, different language resources, photos about how people celebrate Halloween and even a phonics sheet about Halloween.
Year 2 Spring Maths Bundle. In 2000, I was commissioned to write a set of Spring Maths lessons for Year 2 students by a major UK Educational Publisher. The lessons contain the learning objective, a fun starter and a main lesson, followed by suggestions on how differentiate the independent learning part of the lesson using resources commonly found in most UK primary school classrooms.
At the start of my teaching career, I was commissioned by a major British Educational Publisher to create a set of Year 2 Maths lessons. The lessons cover the objectives, the starter and main part of the lesson and suggest the independent learning task. The final tasks are easy to organise in a typical British classroom and a highly differentiated.
I wrote a whole years’s worth of Year 2 Maths lessons in 2000. I was commissioned by a well known UK publisher. The presentations contains a learning objective, a warm up starter activity, a main whole class lesson and a set of differentiated lesson suggestions for the final part of the lesson. The lessons are engaging and are enjoyed by all my class. Try them today!
Are you learning Polish? Are you looking for fun images to share with your students? I took my ESL course and I adapted it to help teachers also teach Polish. The worksheets are in English but there are 57 different settings and 114 pages of worksheets to translate into Polish. Students can use these pictures as a focus for their conversations and also for fun end of lesson games, where they recall the new vocabulary used in each session.
Here is a 5 day teaching unit using PowerPoint for anyone who is wanting to teach students about how to use and reason with numbers. The lessons start with a 10 minute mental warm up session. This is followed by a highly interactive, whole class teaching session. The PowerPoint lessons end with a differentiated teaching challenge for students at different attainment levels.
Autumn Term
Lesson 1: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: count on in steps of any size
solve number patterns
make up our own number patterns.
Lesson 2: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: count on in steps of any size
solve number patterns
make patterns agree with rules
make alternating patterns.
Lesson 3: Week 8
Title Reasoning about Numbers
Learning Objective: investigate square numbers
find ways of investigating numbers
find square numbers by using a pattern.
Lesson 4: Week 8
Title Reasoning about Numbers
Learning Objective: solve word problems
recognise odd and even numbers
find and talk about general statements
develop mental strategies.
Lesson 5: Week 8
Title Reasoning about Numbers
Learning Objective: add and subtract
use the words used to add and subtract
add several numbers together and find the differences by counting on.
Here are 5 great PowerPoint lessons about addition, subtraction, rounding and money to use in the classroom. The lessons are complete with 3 parts. The first part is the 10 minute mental warm up session. The central part in the whole class, interactive learning session. The final part of the lesson provides differentiated challenges for the students.
Autumn Term
Lesson 1: Week 9
Title Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective: complete adding and subtracting problems
add several numbers
understand that adding but not subtracting can be done in any order.
Lesson 2: Week 9
Title Subtracting from Multiples of 10
Learning Objective: understand the words used to describe adding and subtracting
subtract a one-digit number from a multiple of 10
record the answers in different ways.
Practise subtracting from multiples of 10.
Practise subtracting from bigger multiples of 10.
Lesson 3: Week 9
Title Subtraction
Learning Objective: use words to describe subtraction
subtract a one-digit number from a multiple of 10.
Lesson 4: Week 9
Title Describing Money
Learning Objective: use words to compare and order numbers
recognise coins
total money
understand different monies can be the same.
Lesson 5: Week 9
Title Rounding and Money Problems
Learning Objective: round amounts to the nearest 10p
approximate and order numbers on a number line
recognise coins
be able to total money together.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons about Data handling and Venn diagrams. The lessons start off with a fun mental warm up, followed by a highly interactive whole class learning session and ends with a fun set of differentiated learning challenges.
Autumn Term
Lesson 1: Week 13
Title Venn Diagrams
Learning Objective: use a Venn diagram
draw a Venn diagram to sort numbers.
Lesson 2: Week 13
Title Using a Venn Diagram to Sort Names
Learning Objective: to record and discuss using a Venn diagram.
Lesson 3: Week 13
Title Handling Data Day 1
Learning Objective: collect, record and interpret information
present the data as a graph
discuss the results.
Lesson 4: Week 13
Title Handling Data Day 2
Learning Objective: collect, record and interpret information
present the data as a graph
discuss the results.
Lesson 5: Week 13
Title Handling Data Day 3
Learning Objective: collect, record and interpret information
present the data as a graph
discuss the results.
Three complete PowerPoint lessons about number sequences. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up, followed by a whole class learning period, and finishes with a set of differentiated learning challenges.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 1
Title Number Sequences
Learning Objective: count on and back in steps of 10
describe and continue a sequence
make up a number pattern.
Mental Warm Up: Today you are going to complete a mapping diagram with a ‘+10’ rule.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to be looking at sequences of numbers that have been made by counting on or back in steps of 10 or 1.
Educational Challenges Use cubes or beads in two colours to make a number sequence. Use the ‘+10’ or ‘–10’ rule.
Make a pattern using cubes or beads in two colours. Use the ‘+10’ or ‘–10’ rule.
Think of a way to show a sequence that has got hundreds in it.
Lesson 2: Week 1
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: count on and back in steps
describe a number pattern
continue a number pattern
make predictions.
Mental Warm Up: Start from the start number. Count back in steps of ten when I clap my hands.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to count on in steps of different sizes using some grids.
Educational Challenges Shade the first number on a 4 x 4 grid and count on in fours. Do the same for a 5 x 5 grid and a 6 x 6 grid. Does the pattern look the same?
Count on in steps of 4 on different-sized grids. Explain the pattern.
Count on in steps of 4 on different-sized grids. Predict the pattern.
Lesson 3: Week 1
Title Number Sequences
Learning Objective: count on or back in steps
describe number patterns
continue number patterns
make predictions.
Mental Warm Up: Sit in a circle. Collect a card between 0 and 30. Stand up if you have number cards 1, 4, 7 and 10. What is the next number? Stand up if you have the number.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to look at some number patterns and work out the rule.
Educational Challenges Work out the rule for shaded grid patterns. Write the number sequences.
Work out the rule for shaded grid patterns. Write the number sequences.
Work out the rule for shaded grid patterns. Make up a pattern for a friend using a two-step rule.
Five exciting PowerPoint lessons about multiplication, division and fractions. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up game. The lesson then focuses on the main interactive whole class learning point. The lesson finishes with differentiated learning challenges.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 10
Title Multiplication
Learning Objective: understand and use multiplication as repeated addition
recognise and interpret situations as multiplication
develop strategies to multiply a one-digit number up to 5 by 2, 3, 4 or 5
use the ‘x’ symbol.
Lesson 2: Week 10
Title Multiplication, Money and 'Real-Life' Problems
Learning Objective: use multiplication as repeated addition
recognise and use multiplication
use the ability to count on in twos, fives and tens to find different amounts
find total costs
use patterns in 5 and 10 times-tables to check results.
Lesson 3: Week 10
Title Multiplication and Division, Money and 'Real-Life' Problems
Learning Objective: understand the difference between multiplication and division
count in twos, fives and tens to find the number of coins to make a given amount
check results
understand equivalent values of coins.
Lesson 4: Week 10
Title Multiplication and Division and 'Real-Life' Problems
Learning Objective: develop understanding of multiplication and division
recognise when to use multiplication
write a number sentence for a problem.
Lesson 5: Week 10
Title Fractions
Learning Objective: understand and use words about fractions
find one half or one quarter of a number of objects
write ½ for one half
write ¼ for one quarter.
Five complete PowerPoint Lessons which focus on the topic of money. The lessons all start with a fun mental warm up. This is followed by the main, whole class, learning session. The lesson ends with a set of differentiated challenges for the students.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective: select and use the right calculation
check our calculations
solve money word problems
find totals.
Lesson 2: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective: solve money word problems
recognise and use different value coins
select the right coins to pay.
Lesson 3: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective: choose and use correct calculations
check calculations
solve money word problems
find totals and give change.
Lesson 4: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective: check calculations
say what each coin is
solve money problems.
Lesson 5: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective: make decisions and check calculations
solve money problems
use the appropriate number operation.
Three full PowerPoint Lessons about counting and properties of numbers which start with a fun mental warm up. The students then experience a fully interactive, main class leaning session. The lesson finishes with a fun differentiated learning challenge.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 1
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
understand what is special about odd and even numbers
count on and back in twos.
Mental Warm Up: Counting on and back in ones.
Counting on and back in tens.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to investigate sharing by 2.
Educational Challenges Investigate which numbers can be shared equally by 2. Look for patterns and predict results.
Investigate which numbers less than 30 can be shared equally by 2.
Investigate which numbers can be shared equally by 2. Predict results for numbers greater than 100.
Lesson 2: Week 1
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: say what is happening in a number pattern
say what number is next in a number pattern
count on and back in steps of different sizes.
Mental Warm Up: You each have a number card. Is your number odd or even?
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to be counting on and back in steps of different sizes.
Educational Challenges Make up number chains using ‘add’ and ‘subtract’. Predict whether the final number will be more or less than the start number.
Make up number chains using ‘add’ and ‘subtract’. Ask a classmate to work out the end number.
Lesson 3: Week 1
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: count on in twos, fives and tens
recognise multiples of 2, 5, and 10
be able to explain number patterns
recognise that some numbers can be a multiple of more than one number.
Mental Warm Up: Today you will be counting on and back in twos, fives and tens.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to recognise multiples of 2, 5, and 10.
Educational Challenges Colour in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 on a hundred square.
Practise recognising multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons about counting and properties of numbers. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up. This is followed by an interactive fun whole class learning session. The lesson finishes with a set of differentiated learning challenges for the students to complete.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
investigate number problems and puzzles
explain methods, reasoning and relationships.
Lesson 2: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
devise and continue a number pattern
describe a pattern.
Lesson 3: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise and continue or complete number patterns
describe a pattern or rule
devise a number pattern
recognise odd and even numbers.
Educational Challenges Complete number sequences.
Try making number sequences using big numbers for a friend to complete.
Lesson 4: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
recognise a pattern
explain what we did.
These five PowerPoint lessons introduce students to place values, rounding and estimating. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up lesson, followed by an interactive whole class learning session. The lesson finish with interesting, differentiated learning challenges for the students to complete.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 2
Title Place Value
Learning Objective: understand and use the words for describing and comparing numbers
use the ‘=’ sign.
Lesson 2: Week 2
Title Place Value and Ordering
Learning Objective: understand and use words for comparing and ordering numbers
read and write numbers
know what each digit in a number means
know the number that is 1 or 10 more or less than a given number.
Lesson 3: Week 2
Title Place Value and Estimating
Learning Objective: understand and use words about estimation and approximation
give a sensible estimate for a number of objects
find the difference between an estimate and actual count.
Lesson 4: Week 2
Title Place Value, Estimating and Rounding
Learning Objective: understand and use the words about comparing and ordering numbers
give a number between two other numbers
give a number which lies halfway between two numbers on a number line.
Lesson 5: Week 2
Title Place Value, Estimating and Rounding
Learning Objective: understand and use the words for comparing and ordering numbers
round a number to the nearest multiple of 10
round numbers
use a ruler to draw and measure lines.
These five complete PowerPoint Lessons will help to teach students about division, multiplication and fractions. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up. These are followed by an interactive, whole class teaching session. The lessons finish with differentiated learning challenges.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 11
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: understand multiplication and division
use multiplication and division vocabulary
deal with something left over
choose the correct number operation
solve money problems.
Lesson 2: Week 11
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: use division and multiplication
use multiplication and division vocabulary
understand the idea of something left over
use the correct number operation
solve money problems.
Lesson 3: Week 11
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: double and halve
understand that halving reverses doubling and vice versa.
Lesson 4: Week 11
Title Fractions
Learning Objective: recognise and find simple fractions
recognise a half or a quarter
know that two halves or four quarters make a whole and that two quarters make a half
understand that doubling reverses halving.
Lesson 5: Week 11
Title Fractions
Learning Objective: recognise and find simple fractions
recognise that two quarters make a half
place halves on a number line.
I have uploaded a new version of my Addition on an empty number line PowerPoints and I added a YouTube video for each presentation.
FREE Year 3 Maths Lesson - Addition on an empty number line - Autumn Term. It would be good for a revision lesson, an extension lesson or a homework lesson. If you like this lesson, you should also try the complete FREE Year 3 Maths lesson pack at
Year 3 Mental models for adding and subtracting has been improved and now includes both a Youtube and PowerPoint presentation lesson.
FREE Year 3 Lesson Mental Models to Add and Subtract (Autumn Term). It could be a great way of revising for SATs test, end of term tests or as homework for the students to do with their parents. If you like this one, please look at my full FREE Year 3 Maths lessons pack at
YouTube and PowerPoint presentations which go hand in hand in the classroom make a much better teaching idea. You can go through the PowerPoint in the classroom and give them the link to repeat at home. This instant recall subtraction bonds will help them to learn a lot faster.
FREE Year 3 Maths Lesson - Instant recall of Subtraction Bonds - Autumn Term. This is perfect for revision, homework or to teach more about subtraction. If you like this lesson, you should also look at the FREE Year 3 maths pack I made here -